

Monday, July 9, 2012

Unable to get to Magento backend after changing default website

If you've tried to change the default website other than the website which has the base URL, and now you are unable to get your website's backend. Do not worry..

Here is a simple solution to get your admin panel back.
  1. Login to your Magento MySQL database.
  2. Open the table [database_prefix]core_config_data.(e.g. mage_core_config_data)
  3. Now find row with entry:  'web/url/redirect_to_base'.
  4. Change the value from 1 to 0.
  5. Now your original admin URL should work fine.
 Try [your_website's_previous_base_url]/[admin]

Note:  Where [your_website's_previous_base_url] should be replaced by URL, which you were using as Base URL.
and [admin] should be replaced by appropriate admin trailer(which you use to get access to your admin panel)
You can now change the settings back to before the collapse.

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